Best practices in coding

In the realm of software development, coding isn't just about making the computer understand your instruction,but also about making humans understand your code.It's also about making your code crystal clear, highly efficient, and maintainable. To achieve this, you need to embrace a set of coding best practices that can elevate your programming skills. In this blog, we will dive deep into seven essential coding best practices that every developer should follow, as well as the SOLID principles.

Table of contents:

  1. Descriptive Variable and Function Names
  2. Code DRY
  3. Follow Code Style and Conventions
  4. Importance of refactoring
  5. Error handling
  6. Code Quality Metrics
  7. SOLID principles

Descriptive Variable and Function Names :

When you name your variables and functions descriptively, you make your code self-explanatory. This practice enhances readability and helps others (and your future self) understand your code's purpose.


                  # Bad practice
                  a = 10
                  # Good practice
                  totalStudents = 10

Unclear variable names make the code harder to understand, leading to potential bugs and difficulties in maintenance. Descriptive names improve code clarity, reducing the chances of misunderstandings and errors.

Code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself):

DRY is not just a catchy acronym for ” Do not Repeat Yourself”; DRY is about avoiding code duplication by creating reusable functions or classes. It's a fundamental philosophy that can significantly impact the quality, maintainability, ” scalability” and efficiency of your code.


                  // Define a function to greet users
                  function greetUser(name) {
                  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
                  // Greet Alice
                  // Greet Bob
                  // Greet Carol

In this JavaScript example, we've created a greetUser function that takes the user's name as an argument and logs the greeting message to the console. This DRY approach eliminates code duplication and allows you to greet different users using the same function. Code duplication leads to higher maintenance efforts, as changes must be applied in multiple places. DRY code minimizes redundancy, making code easier to manage and update.

Follow Code Style and Conventions

Adhere to coding style guidelines and conventions for your chosen programming language. Consistency in formatting and naming improves code readability.


                Good Practice
                // Consistent naming and Formatting
                const maleStudents = 10
                const femaleStudents = 5
                const totalStudents = 15

Inconsistent code style makes it harder for teams to collaborate and maintain code. Consistent code style enhances code readability, making it easier to understand and modify.

Importance of Refactoring

Refactoring involves restructuring existing code to improve its readability, efficiency, and maintainability.


                function area(length, width) {
                result = length * width
                return result
                # After refactoring
                function area(length, width){
                return length * width

Neglecting refactoring can lead to code becoming convoluted and hard to work with over time. Regular refactoring keeps code clean and adaptable, simplifying future modifications.

Error Handling

Implement robust error handling to gracefully manage unexpected situations or errors that may occur during code execution.


                try {
                const result = 10 / A;
                console.log(result); // This line will not be reached due to the error
                } catch (error) {
                // Handle the error gracefully
                console.error(`An error occurred: ${error.message}`);

Lack of proper error handling can result in crashes or incorrect behavior when unexpected issues arise. Effective error handling ensures that your program handles exceptions gracefully and provides useful feedback.

Code Quality Metrics

Measure code quality using metrics like complexity, code coverage, and maintainability index. These metrics help identify areas that need improvement.


                Using tools like ESLint, SonarLint for JavaScript to analyze code quality metrics.

Neglecting code quality metrics may result in code that is difficult to maintain and prone to errors. Monitoring code quality metrics allows for continuous improvement and helps produce more reliable software.

The SOLID Principles

Now, let's introduce the SOLID principles, which are fundamental to object-oriented design and programming:

1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  1. Explanation: Simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities.
  2. Example: Employing automated tools to regularly scan for known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
  3. Importance: Load testing is not focused on security, it can indirectly reveal some security-related issues.
2. Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
  1. Explanation: The Open-Closed Principle encourages designing software components (e.g., classes, modules) to be open for extension but closed for modification. This means you should be able to add new functionality without altering existing code.
  2. Example: Imagine you have a class responsible for drawing shapes. Instead of modifying this class each time you want to add a new shape, you can create new classes for each shape (e.g., Circle, Triangle) that extend the base shape class. This way, you're open to adding new shapes without changing the existing code.
  3. Importance: OCP promotes code reusability and minimizes the risk of introducing new bugs when extending functionality. It ensures that existing, tested code remains stable while allowing for the addition of new features.
3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
  1. Explanation: LSP asserts that objects of a derived class should seamlessly replace objects of the base class without affecting the correctness of the program. In simpler terms, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it should act like a duck.
  2. Example: Consider a Bird base class with methods like fly() and eat(). Any derived class (e.g., Sparrow, Penguin) should be usable wherever you use a Bird. If you can use a Sparrow or Penguin in the same way as a Bird, LSP is satisfied.
  3. Importance: LSP ensures consistency in your code. When you create new classes based on a common interface or parent class, it guarantees that they behave as expected, reducing unexpected behavior or errors in your software.
4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
  1. Explanation: ISP dictates that a class should not be forced to implement methods it doesn't need or use. In other words, clients (users of the class) should only be required to depend on the methods relevant to their specific needs.
  2. Example: If you have an interface with ten methods, but a class only needs three of them, the class shouldn't be obliged to implement all ten. Instead, it should implement only the methods it requires.
  3. Importance: ISP reduces unnecessary dependencies and keeps classes focused on their intended tasks. It simplifies code maintenance and makes it clear which methods are essential for each class.
5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
  1. Explanation: DIP suggests that high-level modules should not directly depend on low-level modules. Instead, both should depend on abstractions (interfaces or abstract classes). Additionally, abstractions should not depend on details; details should depend on abstractions.
  2. Example: Rather than a high-level module directly using a low-level module, both should interact through a common interface or abstract class. This decouples the modules and allows for flexibility in implementation.
  3. Importance: DIP promotes decoupling, making your code more adaptable to changes. It enhances maintainability and ensures that modifications to low-level details don't ripple through the entire system.

In conclusion, Incorporating these coding best practices, along with understanding and applying the SOLID principles, into your development process can significantly enhance the quality of your code. This comprehensive approach not only makes your code more readable, efficient, and maintainable but also ensures that your software design meets the industry-standard principles. As you adopt these practices and principles, you'll find that your programming skills evolve, and your code becomes more reliable and easier to work with.


Software Developer

Guru Natarajan

Software Developer

Published Date: 14-Mar-2024
Last updated Date: 14-Mar-2024